When the kids leave home and move on, you are left standing still & the question becomes:

"What's next for me?"


Stay distracted with things you really are not even interested in just to stay busy.  Running on auto-pilot.

I'm here to tell you, you're not alone.

Wonder what your purpose is?

This book is for you if you...

Are a single mom, in an empty nest, questioning everything in your life, from do I move, where will I go, do I date, do I change careers?

Have a restlessness inside that keeps popping up, and you keep pushing it down

Look to bridge the connection between where you are now and where you would like to be.

Wonder what stays, what goes and what new things you want to introduce into your life

Choosing You versus choosing to dwell on old routines, habits and distractions that no longer serve your present life.

Finding purpose. Choosing in favor of your passions and actually taking the simple steps to pursue them!

Doing an interview on yourself and realizing all you have accomplished and feeling guiltless knowing it's your time now!


My Mission

I've had the privilege of meeting many single moms living alone with a big chunk of life ahead of them and no idea what to do during this empty nest time of their life. I was one of them. I built this book around my experience, to help anyone who is questioning...
What's Next for Me? 

time to put yourself first + GET THE EBOOK!

From one Single Mom to Another

I have many passions, but one that is close to my heart is helping single "moms" build a conscious relationship with themselves as single "woman" after the kids leave home. 

This book was written from a place I found myself a few years ago.  I have met so many single moms asking themselves a multitude of questions on where, what & how to move forward with their life.

This book takes you through an engaging process that will breathe new insight into this next chapter of your life and help you to see there is a lot waiting for you!        
                                                                Much Love    Lisa

Are you ready to move beyond the patterns keeping you where you are? Are you ready to stretch your mind and dip your toes simply and slowly outside your comfort zone? 

yes! I'm ready for this ebook!

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